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For first time, Moldova to attend Summer Olympics in table tennis

10:20 | 20.05.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, May 20 /MOLDPRES/ - A first for sports in Moldova. For the first time, our country will participate in the Summer Olympics in table tennis. Vladislav Ursu has obtained the quota for participation in the Summer Olympics in Paris, after qualifying in the final of the pre-Olympic tournament in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the individual event.

In the semi-finals, the athlete beat Hungary's Adam Szudi by a score of 4-0, a victory that secured our country's first qualification for the Summer Olympics in this event.

Vladislav Ursu is the 14th Moldovan athlete so far to qualify for Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Two other representatives of the national table tennis team, Andrei Puțuntică and Camelia Merenco, ranked third and Alexandra Chiriacova came fourth.


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