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Sports hall of lyceum from central Moldova village renovated with USA's support

18:11 | 21.05.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 21 May /MOLDPRES/ - The administration of the Alexandru Donici Lyceum from the Peresecina village, central Orhei district, on 20 May celebrated, along with pupils and parents, the finishing of an important project for the institution. Carried out with American support, the project provided for the renovation of the lyceum’s sports hall, including the auxiliary rooms.      

„As a result of the project, the walls with collapsed plaster, the unpleasant smell, the improper floor and the old and inefficient utilities’ systems remained in the past. Presently, almost 800 pupils of the lyceum enjoy quality, light, colour and comfort, attending their classes with much joy and enthusiasm,’’ the education institution said.  

Moreover, the investment made brings also other benefits. At present, due to the conditions created, the lyceum can host local competitions, sports circles for children of the community, as well as qualification courses for teachers in the field. Also, the renovated systems of utilities provide the lyceum with cuts in costs for the consumption of thermal energy, electricity and water, the quoted source noted.  

The project was carried out with the financial support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), provided through the My Community programme. The overall value of the project was 110,200 dollars, including an USAID investment worth 61,900 dollars.   

My Community is the emblematic programme of the United States Agency for International Development in the field of local governance, implemented in Moldova by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) international organization. The programme is meant to provide support to the local public authorities in becoming for efficient, transparent and responsible for the citizens. Presently, the My Community programme cooperates with 123 mayoralties and settlements from all over Moldova, which benefit from trainings and technical assistance for the improvement of the local public services, citizens’ involvement in the local governance and implementation of the instruments of growth of local revenues.       





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