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Moldovan president gives speech at 19th Congress of Conference of European Constitutional Courts

18:11 | 22.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 22 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today spoke to the presidents of the Constitutional Courts of Europe about ‘’the attempts of destabilization, in which domestic and foreign actors work together, in order to suppress the people’s democratic voice and endanger our European integration agenda.’’  

At the opening of the 19th Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), the Moldovan head of state stressed that the illegal war in Ukraine doubted the fundamental values and obliged us to more attentively think about peace, prosperity and democracy in Europe.  

„The situation seems to be gloomy now, but this should not be the entire story. As people who believe in democracy, we must be as resolute in defending our values as the authoritarian forces, in their undermining. We should not flounder because of the systematic attempts to poison the societies and to cause the death of the democracy through one thousand authoritarian cuts. We must invest in the democratic resilience and edify the instruments which are to allow our democracies to survive and flourish. We must be more efficient and quicker in our reactions to the actions meant to destroy the democratic processes and institutions,’’ Maia Sandu said.      

The official emphasized the importance of the fight against corruption in all sectors, including in the justice system, ‘’which is often used by the authoritarian regimes to undermine our states and democracies.’’   

The Conference of European Constitutional Courts brings together representatives of 40 European constitutional courts or their equivalents, which carry out the constitutional control; the Conference is also the most important European platform of multilateral cooperation between the judicial bodies empowered with the constitutionality control.  This event is organized within the CECC Presidency of Moldova’s Constitutional Court.     



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