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PM says economic optimism returns, urges entrepreneurs to invest at home, trust talent of Moldovans

21:20 | 05.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has participated in the 21st edition of the event, Moldovan Business Gala, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). In a speech addressed to Moldovan entrepreneurs, the PM conveyed a message of support. He noted that, at present, despite the crises, the entrepreneurs had new opportunities of development and invested in the national economy, by creating jobs and welfare in Moldova, the government’s communication department reported.    

The prime minister emphasized that the European integration meant more benefits for the business people, a predictable, prosperous economy and higher living standards for the citizens.  

„The economic optimism returns and we have an opportunity which we have never had – to be competitive on the biggest and richest market in the world. The accession to the European Union means a better living for our citizens and a competitive business environment, which is to provide opportunities for big investments,’’ the PM also said.  

At the same time, Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed that more businesses from Moldova enjoyed success and brought the country’s fame all over the world. ‘’We must be proud of Moldova, of the talent and innovations in our country. We should invest at home!’’ PM Dorin Recean said.    

At the Moldovan Business Gala, companies from diverse economic sectors, which proved performance in their activity field, were awarded prizes.



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