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One hundred tax payers nominated winners of special special edition of Fiscal Lottery contest in Moldova in 2024

15:55 | 11.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 100 tax payers have been nominated winners of the first special edition of the Fiscal Lottery contest in 2024. They will benefit from prizes worth up to 1,000 lei. The State Fiscal Service (SFS) published the list of beneficiaries today.    

According to the quoted source, 16,130,716 transactions carried out with bank cards during 1 April – 1 May 2024 participated in the first stage of the contest. The overall sum of the transactions stood at 4.6 billion lei.    

The Fiscal Lottery contest was initiated in 2020. The drawing of lots of the winning transactions is carried out based on the information presented by the issuing commercial banks from Moldova, at random, in automated way, through the platform,  

The prizes are transferred to the card accounts of the winners.



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