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Moldovan PM, German Federal Minister for Cooperation and Economic Development discuss bilateral relations

18:39 | 11.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - Ways of extending the Moldovan-German cooperation in the economic and commercial sector have been discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze. The meeting took place in the context of the PM’s participation in the Ukraine Recovery Conference, held in Berlin, the government’s communication department reported.     

The prime minister welcomed the extension of the air transport connections between Moldova and Germany, which contributes to a better accessibility and connectivity for the citizens of the two countries. Starting from 1 May 2024, the German air company Eurowings has been making flights between Chisinau and the German cities of Cologne and Stuttgart. Also, the Lufthansa air company re-launched the direct flight Chisinau-Frankfurt-Chisinau, which resumed the operations on 29 April this year, with a frequency of 4-5 flights per week.     

The dialogue was also focused on joint projects of the two countries, as well as on priorities of Moldova on its path of accession to the European Union. Also, during the discussions, the officials expressed resoluteness to further support Ukraine for its social and economic recovery. In this respect, the Moldovan PM urged the German companies to invest in Moldova, including in order to speed up the process of reconstruction of the neighbour country.   

Germany is one of the principal trade partners of Moldova; in 2023, this country was the fifth on top of the commercial exchanges with Moldova. At the same time, over 400 native companies benefit from German investments, with the overall contribution standing at 894 million lei and thus, jobs are created for Moldovan citizens.   



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