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Moldovan cabinet approves Environment Strategy for 2024-2030

18:39 | 12.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - The measures necessary and the solutions regarding the environmental protection – of air, water, soil, flora and fauna, in the conditions of the sustainable development, have been included in the Environment Strategy for the 2024-2030 years, approved by the cabinet.   

The Strategy guarantees safe conditions for environment and life nationally, according to the European environmental goals. Thus, decision-makers aim at reducing the pollution and pressure on the climate and the environment related to production and consumption, especially in the fields of energy, industry, buildings and infrastructure, mobility, tourism, international trade and food system. One aspect regards the diminution of the net emissions of greenhouse gas by at least 70 per cent till 2030 against the level from 1990.         

The ecological education will play an essential role, in order to help the citizens be aware of the problems concerning the environment and undertake individual actions of protecting the environment, as well as at level of local communities. In this respect, subjects or modules of ecological education will be integrated in syllabi and disciplines of the profile will be promoted for compulsory or optional education at all education institutions. The teachers and trainers will benefit from initial training and respective subsequent trainings.     

In the long term, the document provides ways of development of the green economy, gives new possibilities for the use of technological innovations and getting of technical assistance for the diminution of the climate changes.   

The Environment Strategy for the 2024-2030 years was elaborated by the Environment Ministry, with the support of the project, A green justice for a protected environment and sustainable communities in Moldova, backed by the Embassy of Sweden.    


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