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Moldovan PM, local public authorities from Soroca discuss district's development

18:56 | 13.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has met representatives of the public authorities and deconcentrated services from the northern Soroca district. The sides discussed projects carried out locally, the turning to account of the pre-accession funds on behalf of EU for implementing other new ones and aspects on which the authorities’ activity should focus, as a priority, the government’s communication has reported.     

„I urge you to use the entire spectrum of instruments, in order to enhance the administrative capacity, to become strong mayoralties, which will provide the citizens with qualitative services. The current important stage is the accessing of the pre-accession funds,’’ Dorin Recean told the mayors.     

To enhance the capacities of absorption of development funds, available in the process of advancement in the European integration, the PM emphasized such instruments as the voluntary amalgamation, the inter-community associations of development, local initiative groups. The development of the local authorities’ capacities to write projects is essential too.  

„We must speed up the cooperation between settlements, regionalize the services. Soroca has a privileged position for two reasons: very nice places, where tourist routes can be developed and the quality of the Chisinau-Soroca road, which favours the district,’’ the prime minister noted.   

The main projects which have been already implemented or are under implementation, which improved the living of over 6,000 local residents, deal with the construction of water supply systems. At the same time, illumination systems were set, public buildings were renovated and endowed. Among the beneficiary villages, there are Dumbrăveni, Zastînca, Dărcăuți, Volovița, Ocolina, Schineni, Vasilcău and others.   

Other significant investments are used for the rehabilitation of local roads. At present, about 30 km of local roads are under repair in the district.

The prime minister highlighted also the importance of backing the business environment, so that jobs are created and the entrepreneurs’ capacity to invest in social projects grows. ‘’We have a lot of assistance from abroad, but we cannot always work like this. We just develop the economy, so as to have our own possibilities to carry out projects for people,’’ Dorin Recean said.      

Among the problems notified by the mayors, there are lack of authorized waste dumps in rural settlements and the instable work of the ferryboats used while crossing the border with Ukraine. In some settlements, the need of supply with water remains topical and the European Village programme comes up with solution to this end. Also, the technical documentation for the construction of the water-purifying station from the Soroca municipality and of the functional systems of collecting residual waters is at the stage of preparation.    







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