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Moldovan PM chairs meeting of Road Fund's Council

20:01 | 14.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today chaired a meeting of the Road Fund’s Council. The participants in the event unveiled the report on the fulfillment of the budget of the Programme on the distribution of the means of the road fund for the national public roads, for the period January-May 2024, the government’s communication department has reported.  

Financial means worth about 1.64 billion lei in all were allocated for works of maintenance and repair of national public roads this year. According to the report worked out by the State Administration of Roads, the sum turned to account in the first five months of this year is of about 563 million lei, which accounts for almost 35 per cent.    

The biggest part of this money was spent for activities of maintaining and administration of roads, carried out through 12 Drumuri (Roads) stock company   specialized enterprises. It is about over 382 million lei. It is worth mentioning that that the measures were aimed at enhancing the road safety, with 1,400 road signs changed, petal parapets built and crosswalks rehabilitated.   

The prime minister thanked the State Administration of Roads for the enforcement of solutions of the institution’s digitalization, noting the introduction of e-Vignette, as well as the economic agents in the sector – for their work.   

Also, the participants in the meeting approved a proposal on the allocation, at the budget’s rectification, of another 600 million lei for the routine maintenance during summer and in winter, for the periodical maintenance, as well as for works for the repair of roads and bridges.

At the same time, the participants in the meeting considered opportunities of co-financing of projects on the repair of public roads managed by local public authorities. A special subject of the discussion was the state of roads nearby quarries and the need to introduce automated balances on these roads, so that it is possible to weigh transport means in movement. Also, decision-makers will analyze the possibility to create a mechanism of financing the rehabilitation of these roads, including with the contribution of the economic agents which carry out related activities.    

After the rectification of the budget for this year, the Road Fund will have planned an overall budget of more than 2.2 billion lei. Presently, the State Administration of Roads manages 5,970 km of roads.





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