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Raids made in north Moldova town in file on influence peddling

14:21 | 17.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 17 June /MOLDPRES/ - A 26-year-old young man from the northern Soldanesti town is prosecuted by the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA) for influence peddling. He is suspected of having promised a person to help him get the driver’s licence in exchange for 15,000 lei.   

According to CNA, the young main would had said that he can influence civil servants of the Public Services Agency, whom he can persuade to favour a candidate when taking the theoretical and practical examinations for getting the right to drive vehicles.

Today morning, CNA officers made searches at the suspect’s home and raised more evidence.  

The young man recognized his guilt and is to be prosecuted at large.  



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