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Prime Minister at World Refugee Day - Moldova wants peace

12:14 | 21.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean has marked World Refugee Day with several Ukrainian children, who are currently in Stefan Voda district.  He said that this day is one more occasion to remember the solidarity, empathy and hospitality shown by Moldovan citizens.

The prime minister also sent a message of gratitude to Stefan Voda district residents, who were the first to help refugees from Ukraine.

In Stefan Voda district, refugee children carry out daily activities organized by the Association "AVE Copiii".

Since the beginning of the Russian Federation's aggression in Ukraine, more than 1 million Ukrainian refugees have entered the Republic of Moldova. There are currently about 120,000 Ukrainian refugees in our country, including more than 51,000 children.






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