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Moldovan government approved program to speed up development of Balti municipality for next four years

14:29 | 21.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/- Balti will become a competitive and sustainable urban center, under the Program for speeding up development of Balti municipality as a development pole for 2024-2028, approved by the government today. The document includes actions and projects necessary for Balti to become more attractive for residents, entrepreneurs and visitors, the government's press service has reported.

Among the priority goals are the urban modernisation of the centre of Balti, including the pedestrian area, the renovation and equipping of Kayak-Canoe recreation area, as well as the construction of a multifunctional sports complex of national importance, such as Balti Arena.

The water and sewage networks will be rehabilitated and extended, a new regional sewage treatment plant will be built and the multi-storey housing blocks will be modernized.

The program also involves supporting the State University "Alecu Russo" in Balti in its transformation into an international university center.

The investments necessary for carrying out the program are about 2.7 billion lei. About 260 million lei will be allocated from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, the contribution of local public authorities will amount to over 21 million lei, and 2.4 billion lei will be identified from development partners.


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