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PM promotes investment profile of Moldova ion discussion with German business

16:41 | 21.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/ - Advantages of investments in Moldova, the economic challenges and the importance of the European integration for developing business opportunities have been among the key subjects discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean with a delegation of German business leaders, on a visit to Chisinau, the government’s communication department reported.   

The PM expressed appreciation for the support of the German business community, stressing that the solid economic partnerships contributed to the goal of Moldova’s development.  

„Moldova has talent and innovation; we provide numerous benefits for investors and we want to attract as much as possible capital on long term. I invite you to explore the investment possibilities of Moldova. The Investments Agency is at the disposal of the economic agents willing to start a business in Moldova,’’ PM Dorin Recean said. 

The delegation, made up of about 70 high-level representatives of major German companies, such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Deutsche Bank, Bosch, Bayer and others, were informed about the economic opportunities provided by the pro-European policies promoted by the authorities.  

The visit to Chisinau by the German companies is backed by the European Stability Initiative - an analytical centre which for over ten years has been promoting the liberalization of the visa regime and the deep European integration of Moldova.  







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