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Honest Taxpayer Gala: 100 economic agents awarded credibility certificates

19:26 | 01.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 1 /MOLDPRES/- 100 taxpayers, who have shown fiscal responsibility and correctness in their activity have obtained credibility certificates from the State Tax Service (SFS). The economic agents who received the title will be exempted from all tax audits for a period of two years.

The certificates were awarded at the Honest Taxpayer Gala, organized today in Chisinau in the context of the tax employees day and the 34th anniversary of the founding of the State Tax Service of the Republic of Moldova.

The most honest taxpayers in the country were congratulated by President Maia Sandu, who said "being a fair taxpayer means to contribute to the modernization of the country, to our firm anchoring on the European ones".

"The 100 taxpayers who are here today were selected on the basis of "very tough" criteria. They are an example that in Moldova "it can be done". Taxpayers cannot be seen only as tax payers, they are the ones who build schools, kindergartens, hospitals, pay pensions," said Finance Minister Petru Rotaru.

SFS Director Olga Golban said that the employees of the institution contribute every day to the creation of a generation of honest taxpayers, to ensuring that the budget is collected, to protecting the state's fiscal interest and to ensuring its economic security.

The contest on the most honest taxpayers has been organized since 2013. The purpose of the action is to streamline tax administration, with the establishment of priorities to call taxpayers to voluntary compliance, to honor tax obligations through moral, non-financial incentives, by granting credibility certificates to honest taxpayers, which provides them with a tax advantage, with the commitment that the entrepreneur does not change his behavior.


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