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MPs adopted 29 legislative initiatives last month

19:26 | 01.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 1 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament adopted 29 legislative initiatives during plenary sessions in June. In the same period, 33 normative acts entered the legislative procedure.

According to the parliament's communication and public relations department, out of 29 acts voted in the second reading - 19 are draft laws and 10 are decisions.

Lawmakers also voted in the first reading 17 draft laws, three of which were aimed at harmonizing national legislation with the European Union. Among the adopted documents are acts regulating increased compensations and allowances for young specialists in medicine and pharmacy, streamlining the work of industrial parks, simplifying the procedure for registration of veterinary drugs, encouraging economic agents to donate food to charitable organizations and food banks to help vulnerable people and prevent food wastage.

The Parliament also approved attracting financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund to our country through the Resilience and Sustainability Facility. A new member of the Central Electoral Commission and a new Secretary General of the Parliament were also appointed.

Also in June, parliamentary standing committees held 40 meetings, approving 41 reports and 66 opinions.


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