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CSM to repeatedly propose to president appointment of nine judges, seven other requests rejected

18:14 | 01.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 1 /MOLDPRES/- Plenum of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) accepted today by a majority of votes the applications of nine judges that it will propose repeatedly to head of state Maia Sandu for appointment. Also today, the CSM members rejected seven other requests for appointment as magistrates.

After hearing the candidates, the CSM members decided by a majority of votes to repeatedly propose to President for appointment as a judge until the age ceiling the following magistrates: Ina Pruteanu, Irina Dascăl, Angela Vasilenco, Rodica Nicula, Galina Ciobanu, Ion Chirtoaca, Marcel Gandrabur, Iurie Movilă and Victor Olărescu.

Following the hearings, the CSM plenum decided to reject the applications for appointment as magistrates submitted by Victoria Sănduță, Rodica Berdilo, Cristina Smolevschi, Mirela Bolduma, Maria Miron, Irina Păduraru, Victoria Hadârcă. After the CSM's decision, the magistrates would be released from office.

The CSM decisions can be appealed to the CSJ within 30 days.


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