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Moldovan official journal roundup for today

10:44 | 02.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Members of the admission, evaluation and disciplinary committees of professions related to justice such as lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, authorized administrators, mediators, judicial experts, interpreters will receive remuneration set by law. The promulgation decree and the law amending some normative acts were published today in the Official Journal and will enter into force on September 1.

According to the new amendments, the members of the commissions will receive an allowance equivalent to one tenth of the average monthly salary in the economy, forecast for this year. The money will be paid from the account of the Ministry of Justice, but for no more than three meetings per month.

Previously, only in the case of notaries, judicial experts and interpreters, by special laws, some provisions were laid down stipulating that certain members could be paid.

Government within six months from the publication of the law in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova will bring normative acts in line with it.




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