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Moldova to have new Naval Transport Code

18:24 | 02.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will have a new Naval Transport Code, which will include provisions of the European Union legislation, as well as international conventions to which our country is party. The document will be drafted by a group of national and international experts and will present real prospects for the development of the sector.

According to officials, at present, Moldova's national shipping legislation is outdated, does not meet current developments in the transport sector and does not take into account the legal framework of the field in the European Union. Moldova, however, is party to at least seven international conventions in the maritime sector, which require the adjustment of the national regulatory framework to international best practices to ensure the safety of life at sea, pollution prevention and living and working conditions on board ships.

The new Code will be drafted by a group of national and international experts, together with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development and the Moldovan Naval Agency, with the support of the USAID Program.



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