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PM: Moldova ready to contribute to Europe's security, advance on European path

14:36 | 02.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- The European Union enlargement in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans is an investment in peace and prosperity, and Moldova is ready to contribute to Europe's security and to advance on European path. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement at the annual forum on topical issues organized by The Economist, 28th edition, the government's communication department has reported.

In his speech, he spoke about the consequences of the Russian Federation's brutal war against Ukraine, noting that it affects entire Europe, and cyber attacks and cyber war on democracies are felt across the continent. However, according to the prime minister, Moldova continues to strengthen institutions, ensure peace and create new opportunities for citizens and investors.

"Moldova is building Europe at home. Although with a war on the border, we have a national development plan to transform our country into a truly European and prosperous state with better living conditions for every citizen," he said.

The official also approached the Chisinau authorities' efforts to fight corruption, reform the justice system and maintain regional security, as well as the next steps to be taken by Moldova on the European integration.




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