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Protocol on amendment of Convention on avoidance of double taxation between Moldova and Slovakia signed in Bratislava

20:46 | 10.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Finance Minister Victoria Belous, during an official visit to Bratislava, along with Slovakian Finance Minister  Ladislav Kamenický, have signed the Protocol on the amendment of the Convention on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion, applicable to the taxes on income and property. The signing of the document took place on the sidelines of the official visit to Slovakia by Prime Minister Dorin Recean.   

Moldova has been party to this Convention starting from 2003. The change of the Convention regards the improvement of the bilateral cooperation, stimulation of the foreign economic activity, consolidation of the foreign investments and the aligning of the Convention’s provisions to the BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) Minimum Standards, included in the OECD Model Convention for 2017.        

During the visit, Victoria Belous had a bilateral meeting with her Slovakian counterpart Ladislav Kamenický. The two officials discussed the need to boost the dialogue and cooperation in the public money sector. The Moldovan finance minister stressed that this visit represented an important step in the deepening of the Moldovan-Slovakian partnership and in identifying new opportunities of cooperation in fields of common interest, contributing, at the same time, to backing Moldova’s European integration goals.   






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