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Moldovan PM has meeting with Slovakian President

20:29 | 10.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The firm commitment for boosting the Moldovan-Slovakian relations and the opening for the continuous cooperation, for the benefit of the two states, today were reconfirmed at a meeting of Prime Minister Dorin Recean and President of Slovakia Peter Pellegrini, the government’s communication department has reported.   

The officials discussed the regional and global challenges, the process of Moldova’s transformation and the country’s European future.

„We build a European state with strong institutions, which are to provide safety and quality services to the citizens and Slovakia stays a consistent supporter of our efforts. We see how Slovakia has developed following the accession and this speaks about the fact that the European Union provides a string of perspectives to the member states, even if we must work a lot, in order to achieve our goal,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

In the context, the PM expressed interest in taking over Slovakia’s experience in the process of adjusting the national legislation to the EU’s one and an essential segment represent the policies in the agriculture sector.

The Moldovan prime minister stressed that the authorities worked, in order to create the best conditions for investors and he invited Slovakian business people to invest in Moldova. It is about the sectors which already record outstanding results – wine industry, information technologies, as well as the promising ones – with high value added – pharmaceutics, agriculture’s industrialization, electronics, renewable energy.

The two officials also referred to possibilities of increasing the commercial exchanges between the two states. At the same time, the sides emphasized the need to exchange experience in the field of carrying out public procurements on the segment of cyber security.

„You enjoy our every support in the European integration progress and in the process of negotiations. We are happy with the results which you have already achieved. We know that you will have referendum and we hope that the people of Moldova will take a correct decision,’’ President of Slovakia Peter Pellegrini said.  



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