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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Over 10 million lei invested in extending sewerage network in central Moldova settlement

11:24 | 11.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - Another 800 citizens from the Danceni village, central Ialoveni district, now benefit from access to the centralized sewerage network, after over 5.5 km of sewerage network, as well as three stations for pumping residual waters have been constructed in the settlement. The works were carried out through a project included in the European Village National Programme, edition I.     

The overall investment amounts to over 10 million lei, of which about 8.5 million was allocated by Moldova’s government, through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and over 1.4 million lei comes from a grant of Romania’s government. Also, the settlement contributed 146,000 lei.  

The mayor of the Danceni village, Victoria Butuc-Guranda, said that after the settlement had been connected to the centralized sewerage system three years ago and had the most modern station for purifying residual waters of the district, the local administration was set to provide quality sanitation services for all residents.     

Victoria Butuc-Guranda also said that this project represented the second stage of the sewerage networks from Danceni. ‘’So far, including through other projects, we have managed to build centralized sewerage networks for about 800 households and to give access to all public institutions from the settlement. We will do our utmost to identify the resources needed for the extension of the network at those over 150 households, so that we can provide quality sanitation services to all the over 2,400 residents of the Danceni village,’’ the mayor also said.   

The Romanian government allocated over 117 million lei for the implementation of 32 projects meant for the modernization of the water and sewerage networks in 34 settlements of Moldova, within a vaster effort of bilateral cooperation.   

The European Village National Programme, edition I, included 154 projects on the construction and extension of water and sewerage networks.  





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