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GOVERNMENT EDIFIES: Modernized park to be created in central Moldova town

15:36 | 12.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 12 September /MOLDPRES/ - The residents of the central Calarasi town will enjoy a town park and the works will be carried out by the Centru Regional Development Agency (ADR Centru) within a project on urban revitalization.    

The project titled, Modernization of the Square on the Biruintei Street from Calarasi, sees that, during 12 months, through the carrying out of the activities planned, the access to the green and safe, inclusive and accessible public areas from the central area should be improved, both the for the town’s residents and for  guests. ‘’The urban centre will acquire a modern and friendly look, providing improved conditions at the social infrastructure of recreation, socialization and sport,’’ ADR Centru said.     

The modernization of the square in the centre of the Calarasi town will complete the string of actions on urban revitalization, undertaken by the local and national authorities, in order to improve the conditions of leisure for the residents of the region. The value of the project, under the construction contract, is of 16.45 million lei (over 820,000 euros), with financing from sources of the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and co-financing of the Calarasi mayoralty.    




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