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State secretary of Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development: Our goal is to make Moldova key player in international freight transport

13:38 | 16.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 16 /MOLDPRES/- Mircea Pascăluță, state secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development participated this weekend in a meeting of the Moldova-Romania-Ukraine Regional Customs Coordination Group, coordinated by Slawomir Pichor, Head of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM).

Mircea Păscăluță presented Moldova's strategic vision for the development of transport infrastructure, including in the Lower Danube region.

"Our long-term goal is to turn Moldova into a key player in international freight transportation, with multimodal terminals planned for Ungheni, Chisinau and Giurgiulesti," the official said.

The construction of a bypass road around the village of Giurgiulești and the widening of the access road between the Reni-Giurgiulești and Giurgiulești-Galati border crossing points to four lanes were highlighted among the future initiatives. The project will significantly reduce traffic in the three-border region of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.



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