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Moldovan Foreign Affairs Ministry issues alert of travel to Hungary, given torrential rains forecast

15:13 | 16.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) today issued an alert of travel to Hungary. The warning is made in the context of the bad weather conditions forecast for the next period, with torrential rains expected.     

The Hungarian authorities issued weather warnings and alerts of floods for more regions of the country, including Budapest.   

In the context, Moldova’s Embassy in Hungary recommends that citizens constantly follow the local information sources for meteorological updates and warnings. At the same time, they are warned to take into account possible delays and disturbances in the road, railway and air transports.  

In crisis situations, people can call Moldova’s Embassy in Hungary, address: 1024, Budapest, Ady Endre Street, 16. Phone: + 36-1-336-3450. Emergency phone: +36 30 283 8060. E-mail:

Also, citizens are urged to observe the instructions by the local authorities.  

On 15 September evening, MAE issued an alert of travel to Austria, given the bad weather conditions forecast for the next period. Torrential rains accompanied by strong wind are expected in this region.  



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