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Moldovan government approves programme of activities for Moldova's reintegration for 2024

14:36 | 15.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 May /MOLDPRES/ - Twenty six projects worth 13 million lei will be implemented in the settlements from the Security Zone and the owners of farmlands placed beyond the Rabnita-Tiraspol highway will receive compensations amounting to 2 million lei. The actions are included in the Programme of activities for Moldova’s reintegration for 2024, approved by the cabinet today.   

Twenty six projects will be carried out in all, which aim at modernizing the Latin-script education institutions, repairing and endowing the administrative buildings, culture and sports institutions, as well as at arranging the leisure areas. 

The Stefan cel Mare gymnasium from the Molovata village, Dubasari district (renovation of electricity networks), Alexei Mateevici lyceum from the Sanatauca village, Floresti district (renovation of the sports hall), gymnasium from Ustia, Dubasari district (renovation of the sports hall and sports field), as well as other education institutions are to benefit from the support. At the same time, more schools will get one-off assistance each for the covering of the expenses for maintenance.   

Also, more kindergartens will be modernized. The measures planned deals with the thermal insulation of buildings, repair of the heating systems, renovation of sports fields and playgrounds. The Centre for elderly people from the Varnita village, as well as the building of the Community Centre from the Puhaceni village, Anenii Noi district, will be rehabilitated too.   

Two million lei will be earmarked to compensate the expenditures borne by the owners of farmlands placed beyond the Rabnita-Tiraspol highway, as a result of the payments provided when crossing the checkpoints. The money will be distributed by the Dubasari district council, based on a regulation worked out in conditions of transparency and equity.   



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