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Moldovan government approved common control mechanism for imported products

14:35 | 15.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 15 /MOLDPRES/ - The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the Regulation on cooperation between the Customs Service and market surveillance authorities, aimed at ensuring the safety and compliance of products imported into Moldova.

The document sets out a single mechanism for the control of products and a standard format of data to be transmitted in the exchange of information between authorities. The data exchange will be carried out on the MConnect platform between the State Inspectorate for Non-Food Products Surveillance and Consumer Protection, the Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency and the Customs Service.

Effective implementation of the control mechanism will ensure not only product safety but also consumer protection. Cooperation between market surveillance authorities and the Customs Service will also contribute to a safe business environment in line with European standards.


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