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ANI's activity report for last year presented in parliament

14:54 | 16.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 16 /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament has heard the activity report of the National Integrity Authority (ANI) for 2023 at today's plenary session. Institution's head Lilian Chișca presented the information.

In 2023, ANI received 76,710 declarations of wealth and personal interests. 

During the reporting period, 163 control procedures were completed, of which 64% were infringement findings. Another 59 acts concerned the termination of control. At the same time, the integrity inspectors initiated 365 contravention cases, 350 reports were drawn up and fines totalling 810,475 lei were imposed.

In 2023, integrity inspectors ex officio verified 938 declarations of assets and personal interests of state officials. The checks concerned deputies, judges, prosecutors, heads of public institutions.

According to the law, each year ANI representatives present the institution's activity report for the previous year to the plenary of Parliament.


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