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Energy Minister says Moldova energy independent, safe place for investments

18:36 | 16.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 16 May /MOLDPRES/ - A new age of natural gas in Moldova starts at present, a stage in which the gas marked was liberalized and the investors made sure that Moldova is a safe place from the energy viewpoint. Or, the investors must be sure that they will have energy at competitive and clear prices, in order to place Moldova on their map as investment destination. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov today made statements to this effect at a business forum dedicated to opportunities of liberalization of the natural gas market from Moldova, held in Chisinau.         

Also, the minister stressed that the process of liberalization would bring direct benefits both to the business environment and the citizens. ‘’Although the narrative that Gazprom is the only source of cheap gas was promoted, I want to say you that last year, while purchasing gas on the European market, we saved 60 million euros. We will prove that the project of integration into EU will bring benefits to each man, a sound competition and a free market, according to the European model, will provide the consumers a better price than the one proposed by the monopolist arrangements, which come together with a political blackmail,’’ Minister Parlicov said.       

During the discussions, the director general of the Directorate General of Electricity and Natural Gas Markets, Efficiency and Risks of Romania’s Energy Ministry, Cristian-Florin Gheorghe, reiterated Romania’s support in the process of Moldova’s integration into the European energy market. ‘’The strategic actions and decisions of Romania in the energy sector regarded both the consolidation of the regional energy security and Moldova’s support in the context of the management of the negative effects of the energy crisis,’’ the Romanian official stressed.      

„Moldova makes progress in establishing important interconnections in the electric energy field with Romania and Ukraine, adapts the fiscal policy, develops the renewable energy sources and with the advancement of the negotiations with the European Union, all these results will bring more investors to the country,’’ European Union’s Ambassador to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks.    

The deputy head of the mission of the U.S. Embassy in Moldova, Laura Hruby, emphasized the United States’ commitment to continue backing the efforts of consolidation of Moldova’s energy security. ‘’Through the #Connected Moldova energy programme of USAID, the United States committed to provide 389 million dollars to help Moldova strengthen the energy security and to deepen the integration into the European energy markets,’’ the official noted.   

The event brought together over 100 participants, including representatives of the public authorities from Moldova and Romania, Secretariat of the Energy Community, system operators and gas traders from Moldova and diverse countries of the region.  





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