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Moldovan, European officials approach current issues

14:19 | 21.05.2024 Category: Official

Brussels, May 21 /MOLDPRES/ - Building a developed, resilient and competitive economy, ensuring economic growth and access to the European Union's internal market was the main topic of the meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni.

The Prime Minister stressed that this year the Government will focus on promoting macroeconomic policies aimed at stability and reforms, which will foster recovery and sustainable economic growth. In this context, Recean expressed gratitude for the assistance provided by the EU to our country, in particular the financial support of 250 million euros.

The Prime Minister informed the European official about the Government's Economic Growth Plan, based on concrete steps to support Moldova's accession to the EU internal market: "We want to develop an economic model in line with the European one, focused on digitisation, innovations, energy efficiency and green economy, as well as a favourable and predictable business environment", he said.

Officials also spoke about the economic reform program 2024-2026, presented earlier this year by the Republic of Moldova for the first time after being granted candidate status for accession. Other topics included Moldova Partnership Platform and the organisation of annual high-level ministerial conferences to mobilise resources, assess results and set new support priorities. Gentiloni encouraged the government to continue to pursue its reform agenda and gave assurances of the support.

The Prime Minister said he expected a positive assessment of our country's application to join the Single Euro Payments Area, submitted to the European Payments Council in January 2024, which is a key step towards European economic and political integration.





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