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Moldovan president says fight against corruption must be waged in all sectors, including justice

18:53 | 22.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today participated in the 19th Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), hosted by Moldova, the presidential press service has reported.     

In her speech, the head of state welcomed the participation of representatives of 40 European constitutional courts or institutions equivalent to them. Among the guests, there were Venice Commission President Claire Bazy Malaurie and President of the European Court of Human Rights Síofra O'Leary.  

„Your contribution to the spread of the democratic norms in Europe is essential and your work in consolidating the rule of law state cannot be underestimated,’’ the Moldovan president stressed.

At the same time, President Maia Sandu said that the democracy was threatened in many places, being eroded by corruption, through misinformation, fake news and social polarization. ‘’We must work more efficiently against corruption in all sectors, including the justice system. We must be more efficient and quicker in our reactions to the actions meant to destroy the democratic processes and institutions,’’ the head of state said.








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