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Moldovan president visits Chisinau Circus, where first stage of building's restoration finished

18:06 | 23.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today visited the Chisinau Circus, where the first stage of its restoration ended.     

„For many of us, the circus means magic and the happiness of the childhood and we would like very much for the present children to be able to enjoy shows. Since 1982, when it was constructed, this building has been also a reason for pride for the Chisinau residents, as it was a real architectural masterpiece,’’ the Moldovan president.    

President Maia Sandu noted that, unfortunately, for more time, the doors of the Circus had been closed; yet, with the support of development partners, the authorities managed to make the first step to reopen them. The head of state showed gratitude to the European Union, which provided over two million euros for urgent works – repair of the dome and roof and the consolidation of the curtain walls, as well as to the United Nations Development Programme for their carrying out.  

„We are looking forward to the day when this building will shine again in the heart of the capital and in the hearts of small children,’’ the head of state added.   







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