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Candidate for post of prosecutor general excluded from competition

12:29 | 24.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, May 24 /MOLDPRES/ - The Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) announced today that only three of the four candidates registered in the competition for the post of Prosecutor General meet the conditions stipulated by law. Thus, Grigore Vornicescu was excluded from the competition.

After examining the four files, the CSP members announced that Alexandru Cernei, Ion Munteanu and Octavian Iachimovschi will be invited on 30 May for interview, and Grigore Vornicescu's file is not complete.

According to the Law on Prosecutor's Office, candidates for the post of chief prosecutor must have Moldovan citizenship, knowledge of the state language, an impeccable reputation and a law degree.

Following the decree signed by the President on 26 September 2023, the position of Prosecutor General became vacant.


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