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Moldovan wrestler wins bronze medal at European U23 Wrestling Championships

14:24 | 24.05.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, May 24 /MOLDPRES/- Wrestler Mihaela Samoil won the bronze medal at the European U23 Wrestling Championships held in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The athlete defeated Turkish Tuba Demir in the small final of the weight category up to 55 kg with a score of 8-4.

She also defeated Azerbaijan's Gultakin Shirinova and Hungary's Roza Szenttamasi.

Irina Rîngaci will compete in the final of the up to 65 kg weight category against Ekaterina Koshkina.

The Republic of Moldova has so far won three medals in Greco-Roman wrestling and one in women's wrestling at the European U-23 Championships in Baku.


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