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Moldovan PM meets local public authorities of southern Taraclia district

15:08 | 24.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - The improvement of living standards of the citizens from all over the country, modernization of the infrastructure and implementation of projects locally for Moldova’s development according to the European model have been the subjects discussed at a meeting of Prime Minister Dorin Recean and local public authorities (APL) and representatives of the deconcentrated services from the southern Taraclia district, populated preponderantly by ethnic Bulgarians, the government’s communication department reported.    

The PM referred to the need to consolidate the cooperation between the central and local public authorities, in order to ensure better conditions of living for the people belonging to all ethnic groups, as well as to speed up the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union. The prime minister also stressed the importance of the referendum on Moldova’s integration into EU, due to be held in next autumn and which will ensure the social cohesion for the prosperous future of the country.   

„We irreversibly anchor our country on the European way and edify a peaceful, multicultural Moldova, where the citizens are treated with respect and the state takes care of the people. Everything which we do at present – numerous infrastructure and development projects – will change for the better the cities and villages from all over the country and will bring Europe to Moldova,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.    

In the context, Dorin Recean urged the local authorities to benefit from the opportunities provided by the European Village National Programme, in order to invest in roads, kindergartens, schools and hospitals, as well as for exercising in writing projects: ‘’We will soon benefit from pre-accession funds and the process of writing of projects is quite important in this respect. We will have to work intensely, in order to organize our activity and structure the goals we pursue for people’s benefit.’’    

The mayors of the region touched upon the need to thermally insulate the public buildings and rehabilitate the local roads. The participants in the discussions tackled also subjects on the education institutions, as well as on the integration of the socially vulnerable people into the society.





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