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Romanian foreign affairs minister says electoral context makes Russia's hybrid attacks boost

18:50 | 24.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - The electoral context makes the hybrid attacks orchestrated by Russia against Moldova boost, be ever more aggressive and ever more sophisticated from the technological viewpoint. We should not forget that, although the target is the destabilization of the institutions and erosion of the European integration way, the effects are strongly felt by the citizens too. So much the more, it is important that Moldova is fully backed, in order to manage the challenges from this year and I belie that the Moldovan authorities, with partners’ support, with the support of Romania, eventually succeed in managing these hybrid attacks. Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu has made statements to this effect at a joint news conference with Moldova’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi.   

The Romanian diplomacy head said that this was really a difficult period, not only for Moldova, but also for the entire Europe, ‘’against the background of the multiplication of the hybrid actions and other kinds of actions on behalf of Russia.’’ ‘’We regard these actions, these practices as unacceptable. The Romanian authorities ruled to declare a representative of Russia’s Embassy in Bucharest as undesirable person for activities which run counter the Vienna Convention,’’ Odobescu said.  

The diplomat noted that she had had excellent discussions with her Moldovan counterpart. ‘’I assured Mr. Minister that Romania continued to foster its firm support for Moldova, for the benefit of all citizens. We continue the commitment for the consolidation of the bilateral partnership, so that we back the multiple and courageous efforts of the Moldovan partners for ensuring the stability and guaranteeing the irreversible European integration way of Moldova. I assured my colleague that I would continue to convey the importance of boosting the support for the European integration of Moldova in the same sustained pace, in all working formats in Brussels and in the diplomatic contacts I have with my colleagues. For short term, our common goal is the starting of the negotiations on accession as soon as possible.  To achieve this objective, we support the Moldovan authorities in the consolidation of the institutional capacities in the process of screening and in the preparation of the framework of negotiation, which will represent the foundations of the process of negotiation itself. We have a programme of transfer of expertise underway, based on Romania’s experience in the European integration process.  We hold constant consultations on the calendar of accession, technical stages of way and on the identification of the best ways of carrying out the reforms. All these are subordinated to the general goal of quick, predictable advancement of Moldova’s European integration way. All our approaches come from our own experience and from the confidence that the harmonization of Moldova’s legislation, aligning with the EU standards and the assuming of the democratic values represent guarantees for a sustainable and irreversible European way,’’ Odobescu noted.      

She reviewed the achievements got in the last week at the EU-Moldova Association Council, respectively, the signing of the security and defence partnership with the European Union – a document which will enhance the resilience and will consolidate the stability and security for all Moldova’s citizens. ‘’It is important that we turn to good account together any opportunity provided by the opening of the negotiations on accession and together with all Moldova’s citizens are aware of the significance of this moment for the securing of Moldova’s European future. I highlighted the recent measures of Romania’s government for the approval of a new package of support for Moldova, as regards the continuation of the export of electric energy at a reference price, respectively, the providing of new non-refundable financial assistance based on the agreement on assistance for the consolidation of the education infrastructure of the Cahul-based university, respectively, for a project on strengthening the capacity of Moldova’s Interior Ministry. At the same time, I offer thanks to Moldova for the support provided in the organization of those 52 polling stations for the European parliamentary elections due on 9 June. This is the first moment from the series of essential democratic exercises , during which also Moldova’s citizens will be able to express their firm option for the affiliation with the space of European values,’’ Odobescu added.            

Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi said that Moldova was easier facing the difficulties having the support of such a close partner as Romania. ‘’Our cooperation is both dynamic and efficient at all levels and we are very much happy with the announcement made by the prime minister of Romania on 23 May on a new package of support for Moldova, which the citizens from beyond the Prut river so much need, taking into account the complicated moments through which everybody go as a result of Russia’s barbarian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, Romania is the main ally and the first advocate of Moldova, when it comes to the European integration process.  We have a quite close cooperation in the economic field. Romania is the principal commercial partner of Moldova and among the first investors. We want to consolidate, in continuation, this cooperation, taking into account the strategic partnership which we have. We should further consolidate the bilateral relations, including through the intergovernmental Commission,’’ Popsoi said.    

He noted that Moldova relied on Romania’s support, including in the context of the support platform due to take place in next September. ‘’Thank you, Romania, for every help, as this assistance was a crucial one, which helped us overcome the huge crises through which Russia attempted to subjugate us. We overcame these complicated moments and now we can advance in continuation to our legitimate aspiration to be member of the great European family,’’ Mihai Popsoi added.   

Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi pays an official visit to Bucharest on 23-24 May.



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