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Thirteen parties of Moldova sign Pact For Europe

17:47 | 26.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 May /MOLDPRES/ - The leadership of 13 parties of Moldova signed the Pact For Europe at a solemn event today. The document is a Pact similar to the Snagov one and might be signed also by other political forces which back Moldova’s European integration.    

Under the document, Moldova’s accession to EU is the only national strategy, which can bring development, welfare, security and peace to all citizens.

„Taking into account that the expression of the unity regarding the European integration is a test of political and civic maturity for the entire society, being aware of the fact that the European integration process cannot be monopolized and needs joint efforts of the entire society, being aware that the process of accession to the European Union implies continuous dialogue between the opposition and the power, based on mutual respect, inclusion, transparency and responsibility, we sign this pact. We are aware of the fact that the process of accession to the European Union can be carried out only by a joint effort of national unity, created by the common will of all citizens,’’ the document reads.    

The secretary general of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Artur Mija, signed the Pact on behalf of the ruling party. ‘’The signing of this document is an important event, but it is much more important that we act, promote the European integration, explain the people the process of accession and the individual benefits of each citizen. PAS today signs the Pact For Europe and we express confidence that this event is just the first one of a string of consistent, disinterested actions to give Moldova’s citizens a better life, here at home, in the European Moldova,’’ Mija said.   

The co-president of the League of Cities and Communes, Alexandru Bujoreanu, said that the day of 26 May would go down in history. ‘’This day is one of unity, a day on which the political ambitions and the narrow interests were put aside and the national interest and the sincere wish of the fellow countrymen to live in a value space of European freedom, peace, prosperity and solidarity had the precedence,’’ Bujoreanu noted.   

A representative of National Alternative Movement (MAN), Gaik Vartanean, said that this pact did not mean the support for a party or for a candidate, but is a national idea of European integration. ‘’We have much work to do at debts and we back the speeding up of the country’s accession, but not to the detriment of the citizens and the state Republic of Moldova.’’  

President of the Coalition for Unity and Welfare, Igor Munteanu, said that this pact was the expression of the nation al unity. ‘’The Republic of Moldova and its citizens need a national project for transformation. The pact is the expression of the national unity, as nobody can monopolize the European idea in Moldova.’’

The leader of the Party of Change, Stefan Gligor, said that the differences of opinions must be put aside and time was ripe for the entire society to join around this strategic objective which is the European integration.   

The president of the European Social Democratic Party (PSDE), Ion Sula, noted that the today’s event would become part of the history books. ‘’Thirteen political parties sign the Pact For Europe, which is a document resembling the Snagov one from 1994, when the political forces ruled to join their energies, in order to achieve the strategic goal of accession to EU,’’ Sula said.    

The Pact For Europe was signed by the Ecologist Party of Moldova, the Action and Solidarity Party, the Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova, Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova. European Social Democratic Party, National Liberal Party, People’s Power Party, National Alternative Movement Party, Dignity and Truth Party, Party of Change, League of Cities and Communes, Coalition for Unity and Welfare, People’s Will Political Party.       


















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