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Moldovan speaker attends Family Festival

11:29 | 27.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu jointly with President Maia Sandu and MEP Siegfried Muresan took part in the Family Festival held in Ungheni, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

The event brought together hundreds of Moldovans, who spent time with their families. There were areas with fun activities, art workshops and visitors could also see projects implemented in the city with the support of the European Union.

"We need to mark this celebration every year, because every day we need the family that helps us overcome all our problems. I wish that all families in the Republic of Moldova will be part of a more united and stronger family - the European Union", said Grosu.

The official also went to Nisporeni to congratulate the inhabitants on the 406th anniversary of the town's founding.

"The city of Nisporeni, like all cities in the country, needs to modernize, improve living conditions, with good roads, model schools and kindergartens, jobs," Grosu said.




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