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Head of state discusses with young people from all over Moldova, willing to be ambassadors for Referendum

19:18 | 27.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu, along with European MP Siegfried Muresan today had a discussion with over 80 young people from all regions of Moldova, who ruled to become ambassadors for the Referendum and to promote Moldova’s accession to EU in their communities.      

„The present young people represent the generation which will live in a European Moldova. They are most interested in making their voice heard, as it is about, first of all, their future,’’ President Maia Sandu stressed.  

The head of state answered questions by the participants in the event and urged them to be as active as possible in the social and political life, so that the politicians, the school administration or of the university take into account their opinions. ‘’The young people have the force, courage and creativity needed for us to edify a prosperous country and a society based on good understanding. We should support them and trust them,’’ the Moldovan president added.      







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