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Moldovan Prime Minister has farewell meeting with US Ambassador

13:11 | 28.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 28 /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has met with US Ambassador to Moldova Kent D. Logsdon, who is ending his diplomatic mission in our country, the government's communication department has reported.

Recean expressed gratitude for the support that the US is giving to Moldova, including in the current regional context, and appreciated the ambassador's personal contribution to strengthening Moldovan-US relations, which reached a new level during his mandate. "Our partnership has become even stronger in the last three years, we have implemented projects that have brought benefits to every citizen and we have managed to overcome more easily the crises caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine," he said.

Among the projects carried out in our country with US support are those in the fields of agriculture, security, tourism, creative industries, water and sanitation. The two officials expressed confidence that relations between our countries will remain as friendly and productive as ever.

Ambassador Kent D. Logsdon began his term as US Ambassador to Moldova on 28 December 2021.


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