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Twenty companies of Moldova to receive grants worth 7.3 million lei

19:20 | 28.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 23 entrepreneurs of Moldova will benefit from non-refundable financing worth 7.3 million lei, with investments planned in the economy of 14 million lei. The support is provided by Moldova’s government and the European Union, through the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA).   

The companies asked for financing for the purchasing of a wide range of equipment needed for the development of their businesses, as well as for the implementation of software services and solutions for the optimization of the management and production processes.

„Our commitment is to be with the entrepreneurs, to back them at each stage of the process of their development. We are resolute to work together with them, in order to ensure the success of investments and to contribute to a sustainable and prosperous economy,’’ the ODS, deputy director, Nina Potanga, said.   

The winner companies got financing through more programmes on entrepreneurial support managed by ODA, including the Start Programme for Youth, Programme on Support of Women’s Entrepreneurship, Programme on Attraction of Remittances to Economy PARE 1+2, Programme on Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Programme on Ecologization of  SMEs.   

Since early, ODA has registered a total of 228 companies which received grants through different programmes on entrepreneurial support. Their value is of 100.3 million lei.    

The programmes are financed by the Moldovan government and the European Union, through ODA.



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