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Moldovan government approves National Development Plan 2025-2027

12:32 | 29.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 29 /MOLDPRES/- Government is building a European, safe and prosperous country for citizens and business, and the main actions and reforms in this regard are included in the National Development Plan for 2025-2027, approved by the Executive, the government's communication department has reported.

The document includes 95 reform actions due to be implemented through 264 development projects. 

In order to increase the rate of implementation of reforms and ensure efficient use of resources, for the first time, the government has developed platform - a digital initiative, established to provide an interactive environment for efficient management of development projects in the Republic of Moldova. The platform facilitates access by authorities and development partners to relevant project-related data, providing increased transparency on development activities and allocation of financial resources.

Its implementation will be evaluated annually through outcome and impact indicators set for each objective. The results of the evaluation will be included in the consolidated annual report on the government's work presented to Parliament.


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