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State budget 2023 focused on maintaining macroeconomic stability, supporting business environment and social protection of population

13:22 | 29.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 May /MOLDPRES/- Cabinet of Ministers has approved the report on execution of the state budget in 2023. The government's priorities were aimed at maintaining macroeconomic stability, financing economic and social measures, supporting the business environment and social protection of the population, especially vulnerable people, the government's communication department has reported.

The objectives of strengthening energy independence, ensuring food security, strengthening transport and security infrastructure and ensuring the continuity of internal reforms have also been achieved.

Among the main measures is the compensation for household consumers of the difference in the price of natural gas and electricity, for which more than 3.3 billion lei have been allocated. About 851 million lei was spent on energy payments and cold-weather support for vulnerable consumers. At the same time, one-off payments were granted to employees of budgetary institutions, including educational institutions.

Last year, more than six thousand km of roads were repaired and upgraded, for which 3.1 billion lei were spent. Agricultural producers received subsidies worth 1.7 billion lei and aid worth 200 million lei. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises was supported through the Entrepreneurship Development Organisation programmes worth about 197 million lei.

More than 1.5 billion lei was allocated to water supply and sanitation, village development and the extension of street lighting networks.

In total, in 2023, the state budget accumulated revenues of 64.6 billion lei, while expenditures amounted to 80.7 billion lei. The execution of the state budget ended with a deficit of 16.1 billion lei, at the level of 5.91% of gross domestic product.

Reports on execution of the state social insurance budget and execution of compulsory health insurance funds in 2023 have been approved.


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