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Moldovan parliament speaker urges Moldovans holding European passports to vote at elections for European Parliament

13:17 | 03.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - It is important that all Moldovan citizens living in the country or abroad, who hold European passports, actively participate in the European parliamentary elections, held on 6-9 June this year, so that the voice of the Moldovans is heard in the European Parliament in continuation. The president of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today made statements to this effect at a news conference.   

The official stressed that ‘’PAS is member of the great family of the European People’s Party and urges all its supporters to vote for the MPs of the National Liberal Party.’’   

„The 2024 year is an important year from the electoral viewpoint. We will have presidential elections and referendum in Moldova; European parliamentary elections will take place, elections on the entire European continent, as well as in the USA. This is a year when I would like the peace, democracy and freedom to win in our country and all over the world. We can preserve these values being in a great and united family, which is called the European Union. All of us were witnesses of how much support we have benefited from this family in the last three years, without being conditioned. The only condition – to do our utmost for the citizens to live in peace, welfare, safety and independence, which we actually want as well. In the last years, we have felt proud when they had spoken about Moldova at the European Parliament or Council. When our voice is heard in the most important European forums, when European Parliament President Roberta Metsola firmly said before 100,000 people, at the Great European Assembly, that the place of Moldova is in the great European family, this is like this, as the Moldovans are Europeans,’’ Igor Grosu said.      

The speaker noted that 52 polling stations would be opened for the Moldovans holding the Romanian citizenship on the day of the European parliamentary elections in Moldova. At the same time, as for the people having other European citizenships, the polling stations will be opened at the headquarters of the embassies of the European countries in Chisinau.  

„The higher the participation will be, the stronger the message of the people from Moldova will be heard. The direction in which we move will be seen and we will easier receive support. This is an exercise to which we should get used. I am sure that, in the near time, the Moldovans will participate in this exercise and we will vote for our MPs in the European Parliament. Following these elections, we want as many as possible lawmakers as Siegfried Muresan and Adina Ioana Valean to be elected in the European Parliament, who are to negotiate with all colleagues, in order to get good things for Moldova, Romania and the entire Europe,’’ the parliament speaker noted.   

Along with Igor Grosu, attending the news conference were MPs and mayors, who urged the citizens to participate in the European parliamentary elections. ‘’Each vote matters. I have always said that the citizens want Moldova to be a European state. On 9 June, we should go to vote, so that the European MPs are our voice in the European Parliament. Vote for the National Liberal Party with confidence,’’  a PAS lawmaker, Veronica Rosca, said.   

For his part, the head of the League of Local Authorities from PAS, MP Petru Frunze, said that the results of the European parliamentary elections would have a direct impact on the development of the settlements from Moldova. ‘’Our villages and cities need investments and EU can ensure this. This fact has been already proved. The local public authorities have capacity to implement projects, being trained by representatives of the local public authorities from Romania. In this way, we managed to carry out projects in infrastructure, education and culture. We urge the citizens to vote for the National Liberal Party and bring Moldova to the EU together,’’ Petru Frunze stressed.     

Fifty two polling stations will be opened for the 9 June European parliamentary elections in Moldova, of which 28 in the Centru area (13 polling stations in Chisinau), 17 polling stations in the northern region and 7 in southern Moldova.  







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