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Two local development projects implemented in north Moldova settlement within European Village, Express European Village programmes

13:35 | 04.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 4 June /MOLDPRES/ - Over 200 children from the Izvoare village, northern Falesti district, presently enjoy well-arranged places for games, where they can spend their free time in safety and comfort, due to the Express European Village National Programme. At the same time, within the European Village National Programme, first edition, the local administration implemented a project on the construction of the public illumination network in this village with a population of about 2,000 residents.      

The overall value of the investment in those two projects amounts to about 800,000 lei. As much as 770,000 lei of this sum was allocated from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and the community contributed with 30,000 lei.  

The first project included the arrangement of two playgrounds: one at the kindergarten, attended by about 80 children and in another public place from the village. Swings, slides, merry-go-rounds, sandboxes, benches with chairs were set in those two locations. Besides, an arbour was built at the kindergarten, where children can feel comfortable in rains or during sunny days.     

Under the second project, carried out within the European Village National Programme, edition I, a network of public illumination of 3.5 km was constructed in the Izvoare village. Fifteen pillars for power lines and over 100 street lighting units were set. Now, not only households benefit from night illumination, but also the important institutions of the village, such as the kindergarten, school, mayoralty, offices of family physicians, community centre, post office, church, trade centre, as well as the new playground from the settlement.     

The settlement’s mayor, Sergiu Strechi, stressed that the two projects implemented in the Izvoare village had brought significant benefits both to adults and the children, thus contributing to the enhancement of the degree of safety in the community. ‘’Thus, the safety of the local residents has significantly grown, with their movement at night facilitated. Besides, the modern illumination brings savings to the local budget and we can now invest the money saved to apply for other projects. At the same time, the playgrounds brought great joy to children and parents, who meet and socialize on these places. Also the projects represent an example for the neighbour settlements, attracting the interest and appreciation of other local administrations. With the financial resources of the village, we would have never managed to implement such projects and we are grateful to Moldova’s government for this support,’’ the mayor added.     

The National Office of regional and Local Development underlined that 110 projects on street public illumination, from which presently about 235,000 people benefit, had been implemented in Moldova through the European Village, edition I, and Express European Village national programmes. Also 82 playgrounds were constructed through those two governmental programmes, giving about 19,000 children possibility to rest.   








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