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Moldova to receive European grant of six million euros to ensure energy efficiency of social dwellings

14:24 | 05.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Council of Europe’s Development Bank (CEB) will provide Moldova with a grant worth six million euros for the implementation of energy efficiency measures within the project, Public Dwellings III. The parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration today approved the evaluation notice on the initiation and signing of an agreement on grant to this end.    

The financial means will be used for the implementation of measures of ensuring the energy efficiency in the process of renovation of social dwellings. Thus, the grant will lead to the achievement of the goals set in Moldova’s Energy Strategy till 2030, among which the enhancement of the domestic capacity of generating electric energy, reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas, cutting the consumption of energy in buildings and increase in the number of renovated public buildings.  

The project, Public Dwellings III, has a budget of about 27 million euros and will be implemented till 2030. Thus, 450 social dwellings are to be constructed or rehabilitated. Also, student hostels and asylums will be renovated, from which over 1,400 people will benefit.    



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