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Moldovan government approves National Economic Development Strategy 2030

21:42 | 05.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The government today approved the National Strategy of Economic Development 2030 – an essential document which will guide Moldova to a prosperous economy for the citizens, stimulation of the innovation and creation of an as optimal as possible environment for developing the business.    

Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said that the document represented ‘’the vision for the sustainable economic development of Moldova.’’ ‘’We want an accelerated economic growth and through this strategy, we are set to have an annual increase of the Gross Domestic Project (GDP) of 8 per cent,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.     

The document sees the redefining of the national policy in the field of economic development, in order to optimize the use of the present resources and opportunities in the context of the process of accession to EU, to achieve a quicker, more inclusive and more sustainable economic growth.

The Strategy contains more goals. Among them, there is the creation of a friendly environment for entrepreneurs and investors, removing the bureaucracy, simulation of the innovating industry, digitalization, development of the services sector, with emphasis put on the high value services, such as IT, consultancy and tourism.     

„All these will create opportunities for people to find a well-paid job; the incomes will increase, improving the living standards. Moldova will turn into a state with a robust, inclusive, digitalized, green economy, resilient to crises and fully prepared for the accession to EU,’’ the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry said.  



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