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European Village Programme//Village stadium reconstructed, leisure park arranged in north-west Moldova village

15:58 | 13.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ The stadium from Navarnet settlement, north-western Falesti district, has been reconstructed and endowed with modern equipment, so that those 300 children from the settlement can carry out sports activities. At the same time, a leisure mini-park was arranged in the village. The works were carried out within the European Village Programme, edition I.   

The overall cost of the project is of about 2.63 million lei. The money was allocated by the government, through the National Fund of Regional and Local Development (FNDRL).

The project regarded the reconstruction of the football field and the arrangement of a fitness field and the area was surrounded by a special fence, in order to prevent the access to birds and animals from the village. Now, those 230 pupils from the high school spend their classes of physical training, as well as the free time on the stadium.

Also, the field is used by those 30 young footballers who attend the branch of the sports school from Falesti, which works in Navarnet and by those 90 children who attend the kindergarten from the settlement. Also here, the football team of the village carries out their trainings; the team achieved good results at the district’s championship and starting from this year, it will participate in republican competitions.    

The settlement’s mayor, Adrian Găină, stressed that this project was aimed at achieving two goals: development of sports and creation of as good as possible conditions for leisure and recreation for those over 2,500 village residents.

According to the National Office of Regional and Local Development, so far, 158 sports and fields and playgrounds have been constructed, renovated, modernized or endowed in 150 settlements through the European Village, edition I, and Express European Village national programmes. The direct beneficiaries of these projects are about 176,000 people.  







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