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Moldovan PM attends annual meeting of European Business Association

15:31 | 15.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 June /MOLDPRES/ - The contribution of the business environment to Moldova’s accession to the European Union has been the principal subject discussed at the annual meeting of the European Business Association (EBA). Attending the event was also Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the government’s communication department reported.      

In his speech given to representatives of European companies in Moldova, PM Dorin Recean expressed the cabinet’s openness to back the businesses and provide them with support, especially in the process of integration into EU and extending businesses on new markets. ‘’We have to work together. In the process of adaptation and implementation of the legislative framework, according to the EU’s acquis, the business will be our key partner,’’ the prime minister said.       

The EBA representatives highlighted the efficient public-private dialogue between the government and the business environment. The prime minister thanked them for the productive cooperation carried out so far.    

The European Business Association was set up in 2011 and presently has about 100 members. EBA’s goal is to align the national economy and the legislation in the business sector with the EU’s standards, promote the European values and the best practices of management in business in the entrepreneurial community of Moldova.   







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