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European Village programme: Two kindergartens modernized in north Moldova town

15:19 | 17.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 17 June /MOLDPRES/ - Two kindergartens from the northern Glodeni town have been modernized, thus providing better conditions for 530 children. The works were carried out within the European Village and Express European Village Programmes, with the government investing over 2 million lei to this end.      

Thus, following a project carried out through the European Village programme, the roof of the kindergarten No 5 from the Glodeni town was fully renovated. The building, constructed in early 1980s, has never been repaired and so the roof got into a state of advanced degradation.   

Besides, the pre-school institution was endowed with new furniture for children, sports equipment, computers and interactive tables. These improvements turned the kindergarten into a modern and safe space for learning, where those 360 children and 52 employees can enjoy the best conditions for their daily activities.    

At the same time, a modern sports hall was constructed in the space of a former group at the kindergarten No 4 from the Glodeni town, within the Express European Village National Programme. Thus, those 170 children who attend this institution benefit from classes of sport in a well-equipped space.  

The mayor of the Glodeni town, Stela Onutu, said that these improvements brought considerable benefits to the children from the two kindergartens, providing the children with optimum conditions for the activities specific for their ages.  

The value of the first project amounts to over 1.84 million lei – money allocated by the Moldovan government through the National Fund of Regional and Local Development. About 320,000 lei was earmarked from the same fund for second project.  










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